
To graduate, IntSci students must complete at least 7 'ISCI core' course credits. IntSci currently offers the following ISCI core courses. Follow the links below to find outlines and other information for each of these courses. ISCI courses are open to all students in the Faculty of Science and count towards the upper-level science credit requirement.

Course Title ISCI core course Offered
ISCI 300 Interdisciplinary Seminar 2025W T1 (Wed 1:00pm-2:00pm), T2 (Wed 1:00pm-2:00pm)
ISCI 311 The Size of Things 2024W T2
ISCI 312 Symmetry 2024WT1
ISCI 320 Research Development Retreat 2024W T2
ISCI 350 Darwinian Medicine 2024W T2 (T/TR 2PM-4PM)
ISCI 351 Why the Big Brain? The Evolution of Human Cognition 2025WT2 (M/W 9:30-11)
ISCI 360 Systems Approaches to Regional Sustainability 2024W T1 (M 4-6)
ISCI 361 Iceland Field Course: Systems Approaches to Regional Sustainability 2025S T1
ISCI 361 Hawaii Field Course: Systems Approaches to Regional Sustainability 2024W T2 (reading week)
ISCI 400 Integrated Sciences Graduating Seminar 2024W T2
ISCI 433 Ethical Issues in Science 2024WT1 (W 9-12)
ISCI 434 Non-Animal Methods in Biomedical Science 2024W T2 (M 9:30-11)
ISCI 448 Directed Studies for Integrated Sciences students 2024S, 2024W T1 and T2 and both terms
ISCI 461 Comparative Field Research Course: Systems Approaches to Regional Sustainability 2024W T2, 2024S T1
ISCI 490 Student Directed Seminars 2024W T2

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Integrated Sciences

Leonard S. Klinck Building
464-6356 Agricultural Road V6T 1Z2

Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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