ISCI 448 is custom-designed for Integrated Sciences students. Access to the course is restricted exclusively to those enrolled in Integrated Sciences.
Course Description
ISCI 448 allows Integrated Sciences students to carry out an individual research project under the supervision and guidance of a faculty member. The research is usually lab- or field-based, although more theory-based “library” projects are also allowed. Directed Studies is best undertaken in your fourth year so you can apply a broad range of knowledge and experience from other classes to your project. The nature and scope of the project is to be negotiated between you and the prospective supervisor – see below for guidelines.
Learning Objectives
- Gain direct experience in performing independent research
- Improve scientific communication skills
- Build expertise in an area of modern scientific research
- Improve and develop skills in the critical analysis of primary data
- Develop skills in designing experiments
Course Expectations
- Students are expected to spend approximately 12 hours per week on the project (for a 6 credit Sept - April project).
- Students and supervisors are expected to meet regularly throughout the term.
- The student should be provided with feedback on progress regularly.
- Students and supervisors are expected to communicate issues as they arise to each other.
- If there is an issue that cannot be resolved the issue should be brought to the attention of the Integrated Sciences office immediately for resolution.
The supervisor and student work together to develop the grading scheme prior to submitting the ISCI 448 application. The grading scheme is then approved by the course director. Final reports, progress reports, participation, lab presentations, lab performance, drafts of reports are common forms of evaluation for ISCI 448 projects. A grade along with a justification for the grade must be sent to directly from the supervisor by the deadline indicated below.
Here is an example of a grading scheme:
% Effort – Lab attendance, following protocols with experiments and safety rules, etc.
% Draft of report – This would include preliminary results, the objective of your study, references, brief mention of methods. Due at the midpoint of the project.
% Lab Book – Showing experimental protocols and results.
% Oral Report - Summary and interpretation of results.
% Final written report
Potential Supervisors
Students find supervisors independently. A supervisor must be a faculty member at UBC who is working in an area related to one of the student's disciplines. The supervisor needs to hold a teaching or clinical research position at UBC and should have experience with Directed Studies. Here is a list of some potential research areas at UBC:
How do I apply for Directed Studies?
Once you have found a supervisor you should work together to plan out the details of the project. What will the project involve? How much work will it entail? How will you be evaluated? Finally, you will complete and submit a Directed Studies application. This can be done through your online Integrated Sciences account. Please submit a photo or scanned copy of the signed form to the Integrated Sciences office,
Opportunity to share research
Integrated Sciences students are encouraged to share their experiences and projects at the Integrated Sciences student research symposium. The event is expected to occur on a weekend in March 2025
When is the deadline for applying to Directed Studies?
2024-25 Winter
The ISCI 448 application can be found in your online Integrated Sciences account (click on the link entitled 'Create new application'). Once you've filled out the form you should submit it online then print out a copy. Once your supervisor signs the copy you should e-mail it to . We must receive the signed form before the deadline (Monday, September 9, 2024 for term 1 & term 1 and 2 registration and Friday, January 10, 2025 for only term 2 registration.). If your application is accepted we will register you in an ISCI 448 course for the appropriate session.
When do Directed Studies grades have to be submitted?
Supervisors of Directed Studies students must supply Integrated Sciences with a final grade and a brief explanation of how the grade was decided before the end of the exam period of the relevant term. Grades must be submitted directly by the supervisor to Integrated Sciences by emailing, the student cannot be involved. Summer 2024 Grades are due August 23, 2024. The final grade for a term 1 ISCI 448 is Dec 22, 2024. For term 1-2 and term 2 the grade deadline is April 26, 2025
2025 Summer
The Deadline to apply for Directed Studies for the summer term is May 8, 2025.
What if I am not an Integrated Sciences student?
ISCI 448 is strictly restricted to Integrated Sciences students. We will not accept project proposals from Non-Integrated Sciences students. Non-Integrated Sciences students should enroll in directed studies courses with their home departments. If there is no other directed study course available students should seek assistance from their department or faculty advisor to find an alternate course.
How many Directed Studies courses can I take?
Students can only take 6 credits of ISCI 448 and can only count 6 credits of directed study courses towards the discipline requirement. Students should consult the Science Information Centre if they intend to include more than 6 credits of directed studies courses within their Faculty degree requirements.
Registration Details
Offered: 2024S, 2024W T1 and T2 and both terms
ISCI core course: NO
UBC Schedule: ISCI 448