Progressing through the Integrated Sciences specialization is a two-step process. You apply to the specialization via the UBC BSc Specialization Application, and complete a separate Integrated Sciences Degree Proposal after admission to progress to third year.
Steps to Apply
- Apply through the Faculty of Science Specialization Application.
- Start working on your IS Degree Proposal. The proposal must be approved in order to progress to 3rd year.
Degree Proposal Deadlines
These deadlines apply to second year students who have been admitted into Integrated Sciences in 2024.
- September 9, 2024 (updated from July 31): All Integrated Sciences students must create a degree proposal account.
- January 15, 2025: All Integrated Sciences students must have a mentor by this date. The mentor must sign on to your degree proposal to indicate that he or she is your mentor.
- February 10, 2025: All Integrated Sciences students must have completed and submitted their Degree Proposal to their mentor for approval by this date.
- March 14, 2025: All Degree Proposals must be approved by the faculty mentor and submitted to the IS office for final approval by this date.
To be promoted to third year your Degree Proposal must be approved.
How to Apply: Non-Integrated Sciences students
Minor Restrictions: Students are not permitted to minor in Integrated Sciences.