We would like to start a page on the Integrated Sciences Website to showcase some of our upper year students. This page will also allow second year and incoming students to see what kind integrations have already been done.
If you would like to showcase your integration here is what you will need to do:
Fill in this attached Integrated Science Ambassador sheet where you will need to write a brief description of your integration and curriculum rationale for up to two courses. If you would like to share your integration but want to stay anonymous on the Integrated Sciences Website, no worries that is possible as well. But if you would like to have your name and picture on the website please make sure to send those along with your filled in Integrated Science Ambassador sheet.
Submission deadline is December 28th.
Please email your filled Integrated Science Ambassador sheet and picture: intsci.peermentors@gmail.com
Good luck with your finals!
Best wishes,
Constance de Schaetzen and Kevin Ren
Coordinators, Peer Mentorship Program
UBC Integrated Sciences Office